
City of Calgary implements water restrictions to facilitate urgent repairs

The City of Calgary will implement Stage 4 Water Restrictions beginning today, August 26, 2024, due to urgent repairs on the Bearspaw South Feeder Main.

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These restrictions will remain in effect through most of September and require all businesses, including hotels/accommodations providers, to voluntarily reduce indoor water use by 25 per cent, which is proposed as compared to May 2024. Note that your indoor aquatic facilities are not included in the restrictions.

This work is deemed “planned maintenance”, as such a state of local emergency is not being reinstated in Calgary. Further, Calgary remains open for business: visitors, events, and delegates are welcome and will see minor impacts to their guest experience! Please adapt all materials from City websites to meet your property’s brand and communication standards:

Business water-saving tips: Hotel-specific guidelines

  • Guest Communications: Place your customized version of recommended City of Calgary content, posters, cards in guest rooms and elevators, advising guests to limit water usage, including reducing showers to three minutes, or less.
  • Provide dining room related water upon request and for refill of water.
  • Laundry Operations: Reduce bedsheet and towel changes for guest stays and offer incentives for guests who reuse towels and sheets (e.g. bonus loyalty points, etc.).
  • Run only full loads of laundry.
  • Turn off irrigation systems.
  • Collect and use rainwater and greywater for landscaping.
  • To prevent water loss, ensure maintenance is complete on refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, and other equipment.
  • Train kitchen staff to minimize water use during food preparation and cleaning.
  • Use compostable products to reduce the need for dishwashing.

The City of Calgary’s water-saving tips for all businesses are available here.

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