
Days Inns reunites with Food Banks Canada for #FeedSummer campaign

Days Inns - Canada has announced, for the second year in a row, an impactful donation to Food Banks Canada in aid of their Food For All initiative.

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This contribution helps replenish stock, distribute substantial donations, and deliver perishable items to Food Banks Canada’s network of food banks across the country.

Each day, people across the country are making the heartbreaking decision of whether to eat, pay rent or give up another basic essential,” shared Erin Filey-Wronecki, chief development and partnerships officer, Food Banks Canada. Our vision is for a Canada where no one goes hungry, and this means helping food banks and their communities to support people who are struggling to put meals on the table. Thank you, Days Inn, for joining our mission to relieve hunger today and prevent hunger tomorrow.”

Expanding on its strong partnership with Food Banks Canada, Days Inns — Canada’s #FeedSummer campaign in support of local food banks runs through some of Canada’s busiest travel months until August 31, 2024. Guests and hotel teams are encouraged to take part by making a monetary donation, by volunteering, or by contributing to their local food bank to help provide food to those who urgently need it most.

Food bank use in Canada continues to rise at an alarming rate. In addition to our corporate efforts, we are proud to have such dedicated Days Inn owners, team members and guests who are committed to serving their local communities by participating in programs that help those in need,” said Irwin Prince, president and COO of Days Inns — Canada. We are honoured to partner with Food Banks Canada for our second consecutive year.”

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