
Fusioncorp Developments releases proposal on hospitality project, Royal Rose Court

Fusioncorp Developments has released its proposal for Royal Rose Court—a multi-entertainment hospitality project in Owen Sound, Ont.

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The jail and courthouse feature robust and enduring stone construction representative of historical judicial buildings built in Ontario. The buildings lend themselves well to adaptive reuse ensuring their long-term viability and use. The vision for the project is to rehabilitate and adaptively reuse existing heritage buildings with minimal alterations and virtually no demolition to accommodate the following proposed uses:

• Dining, entertainment and event venue;

• Visitor accommodation and places of entertainment.

• Community facilities such as a gallery, museum and other institutional uses; and

• Business incubator/services.

The proposal seeks to implement a carefully curated reuse program to further accentuate, and enhance the prominent heritage features and design attributes of the existing buildings, while making them more accessible to the general public.

Completion date: Under construction; estimated completion date 2026

Project value: $15 million

Construction method: Construction Management CCDC 5B

Architect: Boldera Architects

Owner: FC Entertainment & Hospitality Inc.

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