
ICCA nominates Destination Canada for ‘Best Destination Marketing Program’

The International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) has nominated Destination Canada for having the ‘Best Destination Marketing Program’ with the rollout of its national Business Events Sustainability Plan.


Destination Canada’s Business Events Sustainability Plan promotes a strategy for strengthening Canada’s broader regenerative tourism ecosystem. The Plan is aimed at improving the economic, socio-cultural and environmental sustainability practices of business events hosted in Canada.

“We are grateful for the recognition which also belongs to the 16 destinations across Canada who are helping ensure this program makes a real impact nationally and globally,” says Virginie De Visscher, executive director, business events, at Destination Canada.

This year’s ICCA Congress 2023 exceeded 650 delegates representing over 40 countries. Learn more about Destination Canada’s Business Events Sustainability Plan here:

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