
ITHQ to host ICHRIE 2024 global conference

The Institut de tourisme et d'hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ) will take an active role in the annual conference of the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (ICHRIE) to be held at Le Centre Sheraton Montréal from July 24 to 26, 2024.

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Not only will the ITHQ serve as host school but multiple members of its scientific research community will present findings from their projects.

The ITHQ will also participate in the sessions of the Creative Teaching Lab, a new feature for the 2024 edition of this international conference that will bring together professionals, professors and researchers from around the world who work in the different sectors of the tourism, hospitality and restaurant industries. During the Creative Teaching Labs, professors, lecturers and instructors will present, share and discuss different learning and teaching techniques as well as innovative pedagogical approaches tailored to today's and tomorrow's generations of students taking programs in hospitality and tourism.

Many ITHQ students will also be on-site for all three days to welcome the 450 conference registrants. Overall, more than thirty people from the ITHQ will be attending this international event.

For over 50 years, the Institut de tourisme et d'hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ) has been Canada's leading centre for specialized training in tourism, hospitality, and restaurant services. It meets the highest industry standards and is the only school in the country to offer programs at the vocational, technical and university levels. Its unique facilities include a hotel school, two teaching restaurants and a bar, two research units (GastronomiQc Lab and ExperiSens), and a hospitality consulting centre. In addition to its diploma programs, the ITHQ also offers training for professionals, services for businesses and institutions, and workshops for the general public (Ateliers SAQ par ITHQ).

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