
Returning Yellowknife residents forced to get creative with no vacancy in High Level, Alta.

Yellowknife residents planning to return this week are finding alternative accommodations as hotels in High Level, Alta., are fully booked up.

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The community of about 3,000 serves as a gateway to the N.W.T.—many northerners travelling from the southern part of the province spend the night there before completing the drive home.

A website set up by the government of Alberta for N.W.T. evacuees says that the High Level evacuee centre is at capacity and is no longer accepting new evacuees. Adding to the pressure if the fact that the community, like many in northern Alberta, is housing other N.W.T. evacuees from Hay River, Kátł'odeeche First Nation, Enterprise and Fort Smith.

Grande Prairie is in a similar state.

Despite the limited options in High Level, CBC News (not CBC North) managed to book three hotel rooms for staff on Sunday and then four rooms on Monday for four different staff members.

Read the full story.

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