
BC Hotel Association ready to accommodate fire evacuees

The BC Hotel Association says its members have space to accommodate wildfire evacuees, firefighters and other emergency responders.

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Some rooms had already opened prior to the wildfire emergency in the Central Okanagan. The association is working directly with BC Emergency Support Services and Emergency Management BC to allocate and quantify how many beds are available and where and placing evacuees in those rooms, as reported by Castanet.

“So, that is ongoing and that is a lot of work and there are many, many hotels, motels, inns and B&Bs that have availability right now. Because of the travel restriction and people really understand when it is essential travel only that we need to protect that accommodation for evacuees and our Kelowna residents,” said Jarrett.

The association is coordinating the running totals on vacancies but she says evacuees need to register online with ESS to get connected with a provider. “Today we will send another report out so that they will be able to say exactly for the next five days or the next week what their availability is. ESS has that and then they place people directly.”

Read the full story.

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